Helping to Communicate a Vision: NMMC Produces Feature Story for USSCO Dealer Magazine

Glenview, IL, — October 20, 2013 — Successful businesses are constantly in the process of defining themselves and their business vision. How they convey their brand image and their messaging can take different forms. In 2012, United Stationers Supply Company (USSCO), the national wholesale distributor of office products and related goods headquartered in Deerfield, IL created a new direction and strategic focus for its dealers, a set of strategies or steps to help give them a competitive edge in a constantly evolving business marketplace.
USSCO introduced its “7 Moves to Win” program at the annual dealers’ meeting with these themes:

  • Becoming end-consumer obsessed.
  • Creating a brand-first culture.
  • Transforming your online experience.
  • Building a winning sales culture.
  • Expanding your market potential.
  • Targeting your campaigns.
  • Being capital smart.

NM Marketing Communications (NMMC) LLC, Glenview, IL recently produced an extensive feature article about this new strategy for USSCO’s magazine OfficeLine, which is distributed bi-monthly to dealers/resellers throughout North America. Based on our research and interviews with one of the designers of 7 Moves to Win vision, we produced clear and practical follow-up content material for USSCO and its readers. USSCO has been an NMMC client since 2007.