B2B Marketing Services

Generate leads, build top-of-mind preference and deliver true support for your sales team with a monthly program of marketing activities, events and content. Start with an understanding of how buyers make purchasing decisions today and how they prefer to receive information from you. We’ll create the content that serves your customers and prospects through ongoing marketing tools. Our tools and programs include customer-driven websites and custom SEO programs, high-impact email marketing campaigns, effective tradeshow and event marketing activities, successful follow up lead generation programs and much more.

Three Steps to Business Marketing Success We deploy a three-step marketing communications process that includes: Analysis: NM Marketing Communications helps you determine if you are in the right markets and if you are leaving money on the table with current customers. Drawing on our experience and industry knowledge to evaluate the competitive landscape and to learn the best opportunities for growth.

Planning & Budgeting: NM Marketing Communications advises and mentors you and your team through the monthly steps and spending requirements necessary for a successful B2B marketing program tailored to your industry, company or organization.

Execution: NM Marketing Communications implements a well-planned program of marketing activities driven by marketplace realities and sales opportunities. The results will provide a benchmark for future marketing planning.

To learn more about specific B2B Marketing Services, we invite you to visit:

Let’s continue the conversation.

Professionally planned and implemented B2B Marketing Services connects you directly with your business growth goals in measurable ways. The next step is an exchange of ideas on how to best shape an approach that will benefit your company or organization. call us at 847.657.6011 or send us an e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you.